Hon. Bart Katureebe (CJ) being welcomed at the Kitgum open day
KITGUM: Hundreds of Courtusers turned up on Wednesday June 19, 2019 at Kitgum Chief Magistrates Court tointeract with the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe, at the JLOS Open Day.
Manytravelled from Lamwo, Agago, Patongo and Pader to get a glimpse of the head ofboth the Judiciary and the the JLOS Leadership Committee, on his maiden visitin Kitgum.
OnCJ's team was Inspector of Courts, HW Immaculate Busingye; Registrar HighCourt, HW Tom Chemutai; Prisons Director Correctional Services, Mr SamuelAkena; Regional Prisons Officer, Ms. Margaret Orik Obonyo, among others.
TheChief Justice explained to the enthusiastic court users that such days areplatforms for the courts to demystify their operations. "We hold such daysso that we can respond to questions of the people so that they know thatjustice is administered on your behalf."
TheKitgum District Chairperson, Mr Jackson Omona, commended the role of courts inbringing peace and stability in Uganda. He said the relationship between thecourt and the district had greatly improved from what it was like in thepast.
MrOmona said it was important to post a Chief Magistrate in Pader to reduce onthe workload of the one in Kitgum who caretakes two other areas - Agago andPatongo.
Headded that this has increased the delay to resolve disputes which causes uproarin the community.
Hesaid that complaints of corruption in the justice system needs to beinvestigated in order to restore public confidence in JLOS institutions.
On hispart, HW Ntalo Nasulu Hussein, the Kitgum Chief Magistrate, said as JudicialOfficers they have an open door policy so that court users can get responses totheir queries.
Hethanked the Judiciary management for commencing the ongoing renovations of theKitgum Court, supplying the court with computers and directional signs.
HWNtalo further said that before court begins, court users are sensitized ondifferent court processes.
Amongthe challenges he pointed were the need of another Magistrate Grade One to beposted at the court. Lack of transport, insufficient support staff (Pader andPatongo courts have only one clerical officer), unstable power supply and lackof internet connectivity.
Duringthe plenary, court users raised different concerns and received instantresponses and advice from the Chief Justice and the other representatives ofthe different JLOS institutions.
Posted 20th, June 2019